News & Events

4th Chinese Printed Electronics Symposium (PEChina2013)

Author:JIN Manman Update time:Jun 05, 2013

After 3 successful past events, the 4th Chinese Printed Electronics Symposium (PEChina2013) is to be held in Suzhou on Sep. 25th-26th, 2013.

Electronics manufacturing by printing is now becoming an alternative to the current mainstream silicon microelectronics manufacturing, and it is the only viable manufacturing technology for those electronic products which require large size, flexible, wearable, predominantly plastic, or transparent, and most importantly, low cost.

The event aims to bring together the experts and professionals to present latest research results, new development in industrial scale manufacturing and commercialization in the areas of organic electronics, plastic electronics, flexible electronics, printing technology or other related fields. 

Some Invited Speakers



Prof. L. Jay Guo

Professor, University of Michigan, USA

Dr. Neil Chilton

Technical Director of Printed Electronics Limited, UK

Prof. Daping Chu

Professor,Head of the Photonics & Sensors Group, University of Cambridge, UK

Mr. Raghu Das

CEO of IDTechEx, UK

Dr. Jie Zhang

Senior Scientist and Program Manager, The Institute of Materials Research and Engineering (IMRE) in A*STAR, Singapore

How to join the conference

Same as last year, please click to register and order a ticket. Please choose the ‘Printed Electronics session’ among the parallel ones of CHInano2013. The website is under construction and will be available for ticket order by late May. Successful order before Aug. 1st will enjoy early-bird price.

Important Deadlines:


at Early-bird Price

Before Aug. 1st, 2013


600RMB for student



Before Sep. 22nd, 2013

600RMB for student



Sep. 24th -26th,2013

600RMB for student

Abstract Submission


Before Aug. 1st, 2013




Starts from Sep. 24th


Past Events at a glance

The 3rd Chinese Printed Electronics Symposium (PEChina2012)

Conference Website:

1st Call for Abstract(PECHina2013)

