News & Events

Lecture--Nano-enabled technologies-with a special focus on life science applications

Update time:Aug 28, 2013

Presented by Prof  Lars Montelius

Director of Lund University Materials Initiative, Lund University
Title:Nano-enabled technologies-with a special focus on life science applications
Time:9:30a.m.,Aug 29,2013

Lars Montelius, Professor in Nanotechnology at nmC@LU,Lund University, Sweden. His 25+years of work in nanotechnology has centered around scanning probe microscopy/spectroscopy, low-D structures, lithography and various bio and NEMS-devices. His recent research interests are on exploratory nanotechnology bringing it to the life sciences, especially in the neuronanosciences. LM has published more than 165 articles, given more than 70 invited talks and has filed 22 patents. LM is also the founder of several companies working with nanotechnology and a Director of the Nanoimprimt Lithography company Obducat AB, Sweden. He is the Chief Scientific Officer and a Director of European NanoInvest (ENI) AB, an investment company specializing in nanotechnology applications with presence in Malm?, Sweden and Hong Kong. Between Jan 2009 –Feb 2011, he was appointed director for ?resund University & ?resund Science Region, being a cross-border cooperation between eleven universities, three regional authorities, two countries in the ?resund Region, one of Europes most innovative regions.
