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Mechanobiology: neurons move and exert forces

Update time:Feb 27, 2014
Presented by Torre Vincent, Full Professor of Physiology International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) Trieste (Italy).

Time: 09:30 a.m., Feb 28, 2014   

Location: A718, SINANO   


Vincent Torre has a background in Physics and Mathematics, but he has been working in Neuroscience for more than 30 years. In his scientific career he has provided significant contributions at the interface between Physics and Neuroscience and has participated in the development of a more quantitative Neurobiology.He is the author of more than 150 MSs in peer reviewed journals and his H-index is close to 60.
Previous Positions:
2007-2013 Director of the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of SISSA which as the mission of Science dissemination in the Society
1992-1994 Full Professor of Cybernetics Department of Information Science Genoa University (ITA)
1985-1991 Associate Professor in Physics Department of Physics Genoa University (ITA)
1978-1984 Post-doc at the Physiological Laboratory Cambridge (UK)
1972 Laurea in Physics Department of Physics University of Genoa Italy
Fellowships and Awards:
2014 Fellowship from the Chinese Academy of Science
1990-1992 EU representative at the OCDE Forum in Neuroinformatics
1988 Visiting Miller Professor Berkeley (USA) in Biophysics and Medical Physics
1978-1982 EMBO Fellowship in Cambridge UK
Teaching Activities:
2013 Coordinator PhD in Neurobiology SISSA ( 
1997 Lectures in Neuroscience, Biophysics at SISSA
1985-1996 Lectures in Physics, Physiology, Biophysics, Information Theory, Cybernetics and Dynamical Systems at Genoa University
