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The relevance of the biomolecule corona for nanomedicine and nanosafety

Update time:Oct 16, 2015

Speaker:Roland H. Stauber,Molecular and Cellular Oncology, Medical University Mainz, Germany

Time: Friday,09:30a.m.,16th October

Place: A718 SINANO

Abstract: Besides the wide use of engineered nanomaterials (NM) in technical products, their applications are increasing in biotechnology and biomedicine. Whereas the physico-chemical properties and behaviour of NM can be characterized accurately under idealized conditions, this is no longer the case in complex physiological or natural environments. Here, proteins and other biomolecules rapidly bind to NM, forming the protein/biomolecule corona critically affecting the NM’ (patho)biological and technical identity. As the corona impacts in vitro and/or in vivo NM applications in humans, a mechanistic understanding of its relevance and the biophysical forces regulating corona formation is mandatory.

Based on recent insights, we here critically present an updated concept of corona formation and evolution. We comment on how corona signatures may be linked to effects at the nano-bio interface in physiological and environmental systems. In order to comprehensively analyse corona profiles and to mechanistically understand the coronas’ biological impact, we present a tiered multidisciplinary approach. To stimulate progress in the field, we introduce the impact of the corona for NM-microbiome-(human)host interactions and the novel concept of ‘nanologicals’, i.e., the nanomaterial-specific targeting of molecular machines. We conclude by discussing relevant challenges, which need to be resolved by the field.
