News & Events

An Inside View of Physical Review Family of Journals

Update time:Jul 12, 2016

Speaker:Dr.LI Yan

Sponsor:XU Gengzhao

Time: 10:00a.m.Wednesday,July 13th,2016



The Physical Review journals of the American Physical Society (APS) have a long tradition of publishing important physics papers, and serving as the bedrock of physics research. In the recent years, APS has launched several new journals to broaden this collection, including Physical Review X, a highly selective Open Access journal and Physical Review Applied, dedicated to publishing the highest quality research across all experimental and theoretical applications of physics.

In this talk, I will give a brief overview of our journal family and the peer review process, and offer some guidelines on how to communicate effectively with editors and referees during the review process. I will also discuss our current scope and standard of published papers on condensed matter physics and materials physics. I will be available to answer questions, hear ideas, and discuss comments about the journals.


Dr. Li received her B.Sc. from Peking University and her Ph.D. in physics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Davis, and later at Brookhaven National Laboratory, before becoming a staff scientist there. She has been working primarily on first-principles studies of ground- and excited-state properties of solids, nanostructures, and interfaces. She joined APS in 2015 and is currently an Associate Editor for Physical Review B.
