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In-situ optical probing two-dimensional materials

Update time:Oct 14, 2019

Speaker: Prof.YU Ting, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Time:Thursday,14:00p.m.,24th October
Sponsor:Prof. JIANG Chunping

Two-dimensional (2D) materials become the center of research in physical, chemical, material, biological sciences and technologies. Understanding their exceptional properties is critical for both fundamental sciences and practical applications. In this talk, we will report our works on probing two-dimensional materials by various types of in-situ optical techniques. The in-situ temperature, strain, electrical, and magnetic Raman/Photoluminescence spectroscopy/mapping studies reveals rich and interesting physics in such emerging 2D systems.
Dr.YU Ting received his PhD from Department of Physics, National University of Singapore in 2003. Currently, he is a Professor in Division of Physics and Applied Physics, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Dr. YU has received many prestigious awards including Nanyang Excellence Award for Research and Innovation (2008), National Young Scientist Award, National Research Foundation Fellowship Award (2009), Outstanding Young Scientist for the 3rd Inter Academy Panel/World Economic Forum (Summer Davos Forum) ((IAP/WEF, Representative of Singapore, 2010) and Institute of Physics Singapore, Nanotechnology award (2011) et al. His research interests cover fabrication of low dimensional, especially 2D materials and investigation of their optical, optoelectrical and eletrochemical properties for developing novel electronics, optoelectronics and energy conversion/storage. Dr Yu has published more than 270 SCI papers and received over 20,000 nonself-citations. His H-index is 79.
