News & Events

Surface analysis in the semiconductor industry: Present need and future directions

Update time:Nov 28, 2019

Speaker: Dr. Thierry Conard, Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre (IMEC)
Thursday,14:00 p.m., 28th November
Prof. DING Sunan


Thierry Conard obtained his PhD in 1994 on the growth and characterization by electron spectroscopies of epitaxial copper oxide from the University of Namur in Belgium. He then joined Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan for 2 years where he continued his work on electron spectroscopies on hexagonal Boron Nitride.

In 1996 he started in Imec as a researcher on XPS and TOF-SIMS, in charge of building the service activities in these domains for supporting the imec process development in the area of semiconductor technology. In 2005 he became team leader from the team responsible of the photoemission (including synchrotron), TOFSIMS, EDS (SEM) and AES activities as a service. In this time he also continued his research activities in surface science and the development of surface science as a metrology techniques, focusing among other on Angle resolved XPS and introducing 3D-TOFSIMS and HAXPES in Imec. This leads to about 300 publications as author or co-author and he became Principle Member of Technical Staff function in 2019.
