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Prof. Henning Riechert,Director of Paul-Drude-Ititut for Solid State Electronics, visited SINANO and signed the collaboration agreement

Author:Sinano Update time:Jul 07, 2009

Prof. Henning Riechert, Director of Paul-Drude-Institut für Festk?rperelektronik (Paul-Drude-Institute (PDI) for Solid State Electronics), visited SINANO and signed a collaboration agreement in response to Director Hui Yang’s invitation.

Prof. Riechert visited SINANO exhibition halls and labs. He was amazed by the achievements SINANO has made over the past 3 years. He was also interested in our research focus and developmental strategy. In the afternoon Prof. Riechert gave a lecture as planned. Director Hui Yang hosted the lecture and warmly welcomed him. Prof. Riechert introduced the basic conditions of PDI for Solid State Electronics and exchanged opinions with researchers. After the lecture, Director Hui Yang signed a collaboration agreement with Prof. Riechert, respectively representing SINANO and PDI for SSE.

According to the collaboration agreement, both sides will visit each other on a regular basis and share academic information. The collaboration of research in the field of Nanostructured solar cells is of special interest to both sides.
