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XJTU-SINANO signed the agreement for a Joint Programme of Post-graduates Education

Update time:Sep 30, 2010

Recently, the signing ceremony of Joint Programme of Post-graduates Education was held in the multi-functional hall in SINANO(Suzhou Institute of Nano-technology and Nano-Bionics, of Chinese Academy of Sciences),with XJTU(Xi’an Jiaotong University).The invited guests included Ms Shen Lijuan, who is the vice Director of technology development Bureau of SIP and Assistant Director of Dushu Lake administrative committee of scientific and educational innovation, and Mr Chen Long, who is the vice Director of administrative office of Higher Education Zone. Others presented at the ceremony were Ms Liu Peihu, the Secretary of the Party Committee and vice Director of SINANO, Ms Qiu Jie, vice Dean of XJTU, and other guests.

Since its establishment, SINANO has set a goal to combine technological innovation with the cultivation of creative talents. By strengthening the cooperation with prominent colleges and universities nationwide and worldwide, SINANO will build a research team with good age structure and innovative spirits. Secretary Liu hoped the cooperation becomes a good example of institute-college liaison, and also a platform for creative talents to play their roles. Dean Qiu complimented the establishment and accomplishments of SINANO, and briefly introduced the present status and achievement of XJTU.

Later on, Secretary Liu and Mr He Maogang,who is vice president of XJTU, signed the agreement of the joint programme, and exchanged gifts each other.

After the signing ceremony, teachers and students of XJTU visited the exhibition hall and some labs at SINANO.
