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Dr. Sergey Mikhailov from University of Augsburg, Germany Presents a Series of Lectures at SINANO

Author:Qian Bo & Song Xiaoxiao Update time:Mar 11, 2011

Dr. Sergey Mikhailov from University of Augsburg, Germany presented a series of five lectures on “Electrodynamics of Low-dimensional Electron Systems” on March 3-8, 2011. Invited by Division of Nano-devices and Materials, Dr. Mikhailov’s visit marks the first week-long lecture series by a visiting scholar in SINANO’s history.

With a Ph.D. degree from Russia Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sergey Mikhailov is currently a principle investigator in University of Augsburg, Germany. His research covers many topics related to low-dimensional electron system, such as plasma, quantum hall effect, many body theory, THz source, quantum dot and graphene etc. His research is externally funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, INTAS (European Union) and Swedish Research Council. Over his career, Dr. Mikhailov has contributed to five books, and many research paper with total citation over 900 times, not to mention > 50 invited talks and seminars at various universities and research laboratories. He also serves the scientific community as referee for journals including Physical Review Letters, Europhysics Letters, Applied Physics Letters, Physical Review B, Physics Letters A, Journal of Applied Physics and many more. He is a member of American Physical Society.

The series is composed of five lectures, the first of which, “Electromagnetic Response and Waves in Plasma” is on textbook style background. The four following lectures covered Dr. Mikhailov’s own research achievements on topics including plasma instability, EM wave amplification, edge magnetoplasmons, zero-resistance states, and graphene. The lectures helped students and young researchers in the nanodevice field to build a strong knowledge base in 2D electron systems and inspired many research interests for future exploration and collaboration.

Dr. Sergey Mikhailov in lectures

Dr. Sergey Mikhailov in lectures

Close communication with Dr. Sergey Mikhailov
