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Dr. Jurgen Michel from MIT Presents an Academic Report on “Ge Optoelectronic Devices for Silicon Photonics”

Author:SONG Xiaoxiao Update time:Nov 21, 2011

On November 17, 2011, the academic report on “Ge Optoelectronic Devices for Silicon Photonics" was presented by Dr. Jurgen Michel, a Senior Research Scientist from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at SINANO, CAS. Prof. QIN Hua, the vice head of Division of Nanodevices and Related Materials, hosted the seminar. Dr.Jurgen Michel made an introduction on Ge optoelectronic devices aiming at implementing in Si-based system on a chip, including their latest results on waveguide-integrated Ge detectors, ultra-low power Ge based Modulators and the first Ge laser operated at room temperature and based on phosphorous high doping on the strained Ge material. Researchers and students attended the meeting and had a close communication with Dr.Jurgen Michel.

Jurgen Michel is a Senior Research Scientist in the Microphotonics Center and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He leads research projects in silicon-based photonic materials and devices as well as advanced solar cell designs. His main focus is currently on on-chip WDM devices, Ge-based high performance detectors and modulators, and Ge-based lasers with the goal to implement active photonics devices in CMOS based chips.

Prior to joining MIT in 1991 he was Postdoctoral Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories, studying defect reactions and defect properties in semiconductor materials. He was educated in Germany and earned his diploma in Physics at the University of Cologne and his doctorate and habilitation in Applied Physics at the University of Paderborn. He has co-authored more than 200 refereed scientific papers, 4 book chapters, 18 awarded patents, and more than 20 pending patents.


 Dr. Jurgen Michel @ Presentation

Photo by SINANO
