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Professor of SINANO Attended TechConnect World Conference & Expo 2013 in Washington DC

Author:Zheng Cui Update time:Jun 17, 2013
The TechConnect World Conference & Expo was held in Washington DC, USA, on 12-16 May 2013. This is the largest annual conference in the world in areas of nanotech, microtech and cleantech, with more than 5000 attendees and a few hundreds of exhibitors. Professor and Director of Printable Electronics Research Center (PERC) at the Suzhou Institute of Nanotech (SINANO) attended the conference and gave an invited talk at the sub-conference of Organic and Flexible Electronics which was new in this year.
Prof. Cui has been attending the conference since 2008 when he was with the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK, before he returned to SINANO. He has been a member of programme committee of the conference since 2008 and previously was involved in the organization of Nanofabrication sub-conference. Since he returned to China and set up the PERC at SINANO in 2010, the R&D activities of printed electronics in China has been rapidly growing and is drawing the international attentions, which led to the invitation of conference organizer. The title of Prof. Cui’s presentation is “Printable nanomaterials and devices”, which entailed the work being carried out at PERC. Besides the invited talk, there were also three posters presented at the conference, which are the work from PERC. Audience were interested by the printed electronics research done at PERC and several contacts were established during the conference.
The Suzhou Industrial Park also has a presentation at the conference, which included a large exhibition booth where SINANO and PERC both had posters. During the exhibition, Prof. Cui chaired a session which introduced the Suzhou Industrial Park and its environment for innovation and investment.
Chinese delegates in front of Suzhou Industrial Park exhibition booth 
