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The Lithium Battery 2013 Symposium Successfully Held in Suzhou

Author:YANG Xiaowei Update time:Oct 08, 2013

The Lithium battery 2013 Symposium, as one of branch conferences of the Suzhou International Forum on Nanotechnology (ChiNano 2013), was successfully held in Suzhou on 25-26 September 2013 after several month intense preparations. The Symposium attracted an unexpected attendee number, reaching nearly 140.

The symposium gathered the top international and domestic experts to discuss the challenges and advances in the field of lithium battery. A number of prominent overseas speakers, including Professor Yi Cui from Stanford University, Professor Hua Zhang and Xiaodong Chen from Nanyang Technological University, Dr Ralph Wise from BASF Co. reported their own researches, as well as the battery development in their own countries and regions. The domestic speakers were from research groups in the Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Physics, Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. Besides the researchers from University or Institute, the Symposium also invited representatives from the Lithium battery industry, such as Dr Xuezhe Wei from Shanghai H&D EV Battery Co., Dr Jun Liu from Suzhou Lixiang New-Energy Technology Co, Dr Liya Wang from XG Sciences and Dr Xuxi Zhuang from Xiamen Tungsten Co.. The symposium bridged the academic research and industrial application for a sustainable energy storage future. In the Symposium some critical technical challenges in energy density, power density, safety, cycle life, and cost were discussed and specific significant applications were introduced, especially electric vehicles.
