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Editor-in-Chief of Nature Communications Visits SINANO

Author:WANG Changhong;LU Wei Update time:Oct 24, 2013

In order to expand the influences of scientific research achievement of Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO) and promote the publication of high-grade journals. Dr. Ed Gerstner (executive editor-in-chief) and Dr. Changjun Zhang (editor) of the journal of Nature Communications, were invited by Prof. Liwei Chen (vice-director of SINANO) to visit SINANO on October 22, 2013,

At the symposium hosted by Prof Liwei Chen, Ed Gerstner gave an excellent talk energetically. In his talk of “How to get published in Nature and its sister journals”, Dr. Gerstner introduced the working mechanisms, paper requirements and standards of Nature Communications and the Nature series journals. The audiences exchange opinions with them about some perplexing problems in the process of submission manuscript to Nature Communications. Dr. Gerstner also answered the questions and gave his suggestions based on his years of experiences as the editor of a science journal.

After the meeting, Dr. Gerstner and Dr. Zhang visited i-LAB, Division of Nano-devices & Materials and Division of Nanobiomedicine, and made extensive and in-depth communications with researchers and students.
