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Professor Shihe Yang from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Visited SINANO

Author:LI Guizhu Update time:Aug 18, 2014

Prof. Shihe Yang of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, a Changjiang Visiting Professor, BeiHang University, was invited to visit Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech & Nano-bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SINANO) on August 15, 2014. At the same time, he made a report of Engineering Nanostructures for Efficient Solar Energy Conversion.

Prof. Yang firstly gave a brief introduction of his early research in Clusters and fullerene field, then introduced the development situation of nanotechnology in the solar energy conversion devices and its importance in solving energy problems as well as its application prospect. At last the report focused on some novel research results in photoelectric material field of Yang’s group in the near future and put forward his own unique insights in design and synthesis of functional nanomaterials to solve the problem of energy. Professor Shihe Yang also combined with their own research experience, described international popular photoelectric conversion material in current study, such as the 1 D, 3 D porous TiO2 nano-particles, chemical modifications and functions on the TiO2 nanoparticles surfaces, organic and quantum dots dye-sensitised solar cells materials and perovskite. Meanwhile, he mentioned their the latest research findings, for example, using 3D FTO obtained by AAO template to improve the catalytic efficiency of photochemical water splitting catalytic materials .Professor Yang introduced systematically the design and synthesis of the nanomaterial and the breakthrough of applications in optoelectronic devices, the advantages and disadvantages of the current popular photoelectric material and improve directions.

Professors Yang also visited the Lab of i-lab and he was very impressed by the facilities there. He showed great interest in setting up cooperation with SINANO in the near future.

