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Prof. Shuhui Sun from INRS Visited SINANO

Update time:May 05, 2015

In the morning of Apr. 30, Prof.Shuhui Sun from Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) visited Sinano and delivered a talk titled “Nanostructured Electrocatalysts for Energy and Environmental Applications” , as invited by National Lab researcher Wei Chen.

Prof. Sun firstly gave a brief introduction of INRS, and then reported their recent work on designing various novel Pt nanostructures as electrocatalysts for fuel cells. They introduced green chemistry and atomic layer deposition (ALD) and other technical methods to control the nano structure of Pt catalyst and fabricate a series of novel nanostructured Pt catalysts, such as nanowires (NWs), nanotubes (NTs), sub-nanoclusters, and single atoms, etc. These new type catalysts exhibit 10 times activity and 6 times stability compared to commercial Pt/C ones. Their progress on non-noble metal catalysts was presented at the same time, followed by introduction on waste water treatment using two types of catalysts: Fe3O4/Printex and Fe3O4/graphene. In the end, many questions were raised by the audience and discussed with the speaker.

Prof. Sun is an active reviewer for numerous journals such as Nature Materials, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Small, Chem. Mater., Journal of Chemical Physical Chemistry B, Journal of Chemical Physical Chemistry C, Applied Physics A, Crystal Growth & Design, Chemical Physical Letters, Applied Surface Science, J. Crystal Growth, Nanotechnology, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Polymers, Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T), etc. He has the membership of International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), Electrochemical Society (ECS), Canada Society of Chemistry (CSC), Centre québécois sur les matériaux fonctionnels (CQMF), Plasma Quebec, et al.;he published quite a few cover papers on journals of Angew. Chem,Chemistry-A European Journal and have profound influence.

