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Prof. XIA Yaoyong from Fudan University visited SINANO

Update time:Dec 01, 2015

On November 27th, Prof. XIA Yaoyong from Shanghai Fudan University was invited by Prof. CHEN Liwei to visit Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech & Nano-bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SINANO). The report was co-innovation center in Suzhou Nanotechnology Nano Energy Materials Research Center lecture series.

Professor XIA Yaoyong research interests focus on electrochemical energy storage material, and gave an academic report entitled "lithium sulfur battery technology and materials". Professor XIA Yaoyong uses four approach to improve the cycling stability of lithium sulfur batteries: carbon encapsulated sulfur to reduce sulfur from the shuttle effect;the modified separator to prevent the sulfur ion shuttle to the negative;formation of a stable passivation layer on the lithium anode surface by electrolyte additives, which inhibits the deposition of sulfur ions on the anode;lithium sulfide instead of S as the cathode. Professor XIA Yongyao's excellent work and the academic report give a deep impress researchers and graduated students attended the lecture.


XIA Yongyao, engineering, Ph.D., doctoral supervisor, distinguished professor of Fudan University. He graduated from the department of Zhejiang normal university in 1987 and obtained M.E in electrochemical chemistry at Jilin university in 1990. In 1990-1993, he join in the Changchun institute of applied chemistry, Chinese academy of sciences. In 1997, he obtained Ph.D in science energy - engineering materials at Japan Saga University. In 1998, he was  postdoctoral researcher at Chemical Engineering Department of South Carolina. In 1999-2001, he was as postdoctoral researcher at MITI Osaka Industrial Technology Research Institute. In 2001-2002,he worked in Hitachi Maxell company battery development center. In 2003,he come back to Fudan University. research interests focus on electrochemical energy storage material. He has published papers on Nature Chemistry, Energy, Environ. SCI., j. Am. Chem. Soc, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Adv. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., j. Electrochem. Soc., etc. He Was the director of China electrochemical society the seventh, and J. Power Sources, deputy editor in chief.
