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PERC researchers published Printed Electronics: Materials, Technologies and Applications

Author:Printable Electronics Research Center (PERC), Update time:Jun 15, 2016

Printed electronics is a rapid developing and advancing field both in China and worldwide. There are published books on flexible electronics and organic electronics, but few books on printed electronics. Printed electronics deserves to be a new field on its own because printing can make electronic devices and systems not only with organic electronic materials but also with inorganic materials, not only on flexible substrates but also on variety of rigid substrate materials.

The research team at the Printable Electronics Research Center (PERC), Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, published the Chinese version of ”Printed Electronics: Materials, Technologies and Applications” in 2012, which helped greatly to introduce the new technology to the Chinese research community and industrial sectors.

4 years has passed since the Chinese version was published, printed electronics itself has progressed tremendously. Many new materials, processes and products have emerged. In the meantime, the authors of Chinese book at the PERC, who have been active researchers themselves, have also gained experience in the field and many new research and development results have been achieved by themselves. The authors considered it was the time to update the book with new information and they decided to write an English version.

After one year of collective efforts, the English version of ”Printed Electronics: Materials, Technologies and Applications” was finally published by Wiley. The book is not simple translation of its Chinese version, but includes the most updated developments in the field, as well as the results achieved at PERC and experience gained by the authors themselves in the last 3 years. It is hoped that the new book will help the international community to understand printed electronics better and to get aware of the work carried out at PERC. The book can also serve as a reference literature for the education of university students and graduates, as well as technical professionals working in the field of printed electronics.

Book cover

Photo of authors
