
Advanced Materials Division

Update time:Jun 29, 2016


The Advanced Materials Division, established in August 2013, develops innovative concepts and technologies for the development and application of next-generation lightweight structural and functional materials using low-dimensional nanomaterials, and provides service for the national local industrial demands. Through broad and strong collaboration with industries, the division functions as an engine of pushing forward the industrialization of high-tech lightweight and multifunctional fibers, films, aerogels, and other related products, and their potential applications in the fields of aerospace, transportation, environmental protection, electronic communications etc.


The division is supported by a multidisciplinary team of outstanding young scientists, with 31 staff and 64 students, which includes 3 “Thousand Talent Programs for Young Outstanding Scientists” and 1 “Ten Thousand Talent Program” by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, 1 “Fund for Outstanding Young Scientists” by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and 3 “Hundred Talent Programs” by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The division has invited Professor Zhongfan Liu from Peking University and Professor Yi Cui from Stanford University as our consultants. There are seven research groups in the division, namely Nanocomposite Design and Functionalization, Microscale Catalysis and Energy Technology, Controlled Synthesis and Application of Carbon Nanotubes, Aerogel Materials, Smart Films and Functional Devices, Electronic Packaging Materials and Devices.


To support the advanced materials and devices research, the division also establishes a Nano-Materials Processing and Characterization Center. The center has five processing laboratories, which are Composite Processing Lab, Fiber & Film Processing Lab, Chemical Vapor Deposition Lab, Ultra-High Temperature Lab, and Supercritical Drying Lab, as well as four characterization laboratories, namely Mechanical Testing Lab, Chemical Testing Lab, Electrical Testing Lab, and SINANO-NETZSCH Joint Thermal Testing Lab. Most of the materials processing and the characterization of their mechanical, physical, and chemical properties can be done in the center. This center has been named as the Suzhou Key Lab of Carbon Nanofibers and Their Functional Composites.(read more)


The PIs in the division have made enormous progresses in the field of advanced nanomaterials, such as nanofibers, aerogels, CNT coatings and composites, as well as new energy materials. For example, after years of investigation, the properties and the production capability of the CNT fibers in our division are among the top ranks around the world. We have the capability of fabricating light-weight, thermal insulating aerogel of various materials, such as CNT, graphene, SiO2, Polyimide, to name a few. We have also established tight cooperation with companies who are interested in advanced materials, including Lenovo, State Grid Corporation of China and Huawei Technologies Corporation, to work together or transfer our new materials and technologies to them. We hope that the high performance advanced materials and devices developed in our division, can accelerate the development of the local industry, push the advances of our national science and technology and improve our nation’s competition in the world.

Contact Information

Prof. Qingwen Li

Division dean

Tel: (+86) 512-62872577


Ms. Jing Zhang

Division secretary

Tel: (+86) 512-62872552


Address: Advanced Materials Division

Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO), CAS

398 Ruoshui Road, Suzhou, 215123
