REN Guoqiang / 任国强
  • Department:Platform for Characterization & Test
  • Position:Associate Professor
  • Expertise:Growth and characterization of GaN crystals
  • Email:gqren2008@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
  1. GaN crystal growth by HVPE and Ammonothermal;
  2. Physical properties of crystals;
  3. Fabrication and characterization of new nano-materials of the wide-band gap semiconductors;

Jul. 2008 - Present 

Associate Professor

Platform for Characterization & Test, SINANO, CAS 

Jul. 2007-Jun.2008 

Assistant Professor 

Department of Chemistry and Physics of Materials, FJIRSM, CAS


Ph.D. 2007 

Chemistry and Physics of Materials


B.S. 2002 

Chemistry Engineering 

Qufu Normal University 

Selected Publication:
  1. D. G. Chen, F. Huang, G. Q. Ren, D. S. Li, M. Zheng, Y. J. Wang, Z. Lin, “ZnS nano-architectures: Photocatalysis, deactivation and regeneration”, Nanoscale, 2010, 2, 2062-2064.
  2. D. S. Li, F. Huang, G. Q. Ren, Z. Y. Zhuang, D. M. Pan, Z. Lin, “Surface treatment to enhance photocatalytic activity of ZnS complex nanostructure via a post-synthesis route”, J. Nanosci. Nanotech., 2009, 9, 6721-6725.
  3. G. Q. Ren, Z. Lin, B. Gilbert, J. Zhang, F. Huang, J. K. Liang, Evolution of ZnS nanostructure morphology under interfacial free-energy control, Chem. Mater., 2008, 20(7), 2438-2443.
  4. G. Q. Ren,  Z. Lin, C. Wang, W. Z. Liu, J. Zhang, F. Huang, J. K. Liang, Relationship between coprecipitation mechanism, doping structure and physical properties of Zn1-xCoxS nanocrystallites, Nanotechnology, 2007, 18(3), 035705/1-9.
  5. Z. Lin, B. Gilbert, Q. L. Liu, G. Q. Ren, F. Huang, A thermodynamically statble nanophase material, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128(18), 6126-6136.
  6. J. Zhang, Z. Lin, Y. Z. Lan, G. Q. Ren, D. G. Chen, F. Huang, M. C. Hong, A multistep oriented attachment kinetics: Coarsening of ZnS nanoparticle in concentrated NaOH, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2006, 128(39), 12981-12987.