WANG Meng / 王孟
  • Department:i-lab
  • Position:Associate professor
  • Expertise:Design and synthesis of organic materials, fabrication of organic solar cells and field effect transistors
  • Email:mwang2021@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
1.Design and synthesis of materials for organic solar cells,

2.Fabrication and optimization of organic solar cells.


Mar. 2021-present   Associate professor, Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO),

Dec. 2018-Feb. 2021  Research FellowUniversity College London, London, UK.

Sep. 2017-Dec. 2018 Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.

Aug. 2016-Aug. 2017       Postdoc Fellow, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.


Ph.D.2016 Organic chemistry, Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, CAS

B.S. 2011     Chemistry, Hebei University.

Selected Publication:

1.      M. Wang, D. Cai, Z. Yin, S.-C. Chen, C.-F Du, Q. Zheng*, Asymmetric-Indenothiophene-Based Copolymers for Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells with 9.14 % Efficiency. Adv. Mater., 2016, 28, 3359-3365.

2.      M. Wang, S. Liu, P. You, G. Tang, Q. Miao, F. Yan*, Insulating Polymers for Enhancing the Efficiency of Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells. Solar RRL, 2020, DOI: 10.1002/solr.202000013.

3.      M. Wang, Z. Wang, W. Ma,* S.-C. Chen, Q. Zheng*, Indenothiophene-Based Wide Bandgap Copolymer for Polymer Fullerene Solar Cells with 9.01% Efficiency and 1.0 V Open Circuit Voltage, Adv. Electro. Mater., 2016, 2, 1600340.

4.      M. Wang, D. Cai, J. Xin, W. Ma,* Q. Tu, Q. Zheng*, Ternary Conjugated D-A Copolymer Yields over 9.0% Efficiency in Organic Solar Cells, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2017,5, 12015-12021.

5.      M. Wang, H. Qin, L. Wang, J. Wei, D. Cai, Z. Yin, Y. Ma, S.-C. Chen, C. Tang, Q. Zheng*, Ladder-type Tetra-p-Phenylene-Based Copolymers for Efficient Polymer Solar Cells with Open-Circuit Voltages approaching 1.1 V, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 21672-21681. 

6.      Q. Shang, M. Wang, J. Wei, Q. Zheng*, Indenothiophene-Based Asymmetric Small Molecules for Organic Solar Cells, RSC Adv.,2017, 7, 18144-18150 (equal contribution).