WU Xinzhou /
  • Department:Division of Nano-devices & Materials
  • Position:Senior Engineer
  • Expertise:Electrochromic Devices and Electronic Pastes
  • Email:
Research Interest

1.       Printable Electronics

2.       Design and Synthesis of Electronic Pastes (Copper pastes)

3.      ElectrochromicDevices Fabricated by Printing Technique




Oct.2021-Present     Senior Engineer Division of Nano-devices & Materials, SINANO, CAS

Sep. 2017-Oct.2021   Postdoctoral  AKM (Suzhou) Industrial Company Limited

Jan. 2014-Sep. 2017   Postdoctoral  Printable Electronics Research Center, SINANO, CAS



Ph. D.   2014   Physical Chemistry                 SINANO, CAS

M. S.    2011   Polymer Chemistry and Physics      Jinan University

B. S.    2008   Polymer Materials and Engineering   Jinan University 
Selected Publication:
    (1)    Wu, X.; Chen, Z*.; Cui, Z*. Investigation of solution processable albumen-BaTiO3 nanocomposite and its application in high-k films. Composites Science and Technology 2013, 81, 48-53.

         (2)    Wu, X.; Fei, F.; Chen, Z*.; Su, W.; Cui, Z*. A new nanocomposite dielectric ink and its application in printed thin-film transistors. Composites Science and Technology 2014, 94, 117-122.

         (3)    Wu, X.; Shao, S.; Chen, Z.*; Cui, Z*. Printed highly conductive Cu films with strong adhesion enabled by low-energy photonic sintering on low-Tg flexible plastic substrate. Nanotechnology 2017, 28.

         (4)    Wu, X.; Yuan, W.; Su, W.; Cui, Z*.; Zhu, S.; Deng, M. A simple process to create micro-gaps in printed copper electrodes by sintering induced stress in flexible PET substrates. Flexible and Printed Electronics 2021, 6.

         (5)    He, W.; Huang, C.; Wu, X*.; Su, W*.; Cui, Z. All-in-one electrochromic transparency-tuning window with an integrated metal-mesh heating film. Flexible and Printed Electronics 2022, 7.

         (6)    Huang, C.; Hu, Z.; Yi, Y.-Q.-Q.; Chen, X.; Wu, X.*; Su, W.*; Cui, Z. High performance printed organic electrochromic devices based on an optimized UV curable solid-state electrolyte. Nanoscale 2022.