1. Early diagnosis for cancers
2. Functional probes for molecular imaging
3. Targeting drug delivery systems
4. Precision polymer chemistry
5. Controllable self-assembly of nanoparticles
Jan. 2021-Present Associate Professor Division of Nanobiomedicine, SINANO, CAS
Dec. 2017-Dec. 2020 Post-doctor Division of Nanobiomedicine, SINANO, CAS
Ph.D. 2017 Materials Science and Engineering Nanjing University of Science and Technology
M.S. 2013 Materials Physics and Chemistry Nanjing University of Science and Technology
B.S. 2010 Materials Physics Guizhou University
1. Sun, L., Cao, Y., Lu, Z., Ding, P., Wang, Z., Ma, F., Wang, Z.*, and Pei, R.*, A hypoxia-irrelevant Fe-doped multivalent manganese oxide sonosensitizer via a vacancy engineering strategy for enhanced sonodynamic therapy. Nano Today, 2022, 43, 101434.
2. He, Y., Cao, Y.*, Mao, Z., Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y., and Pei, R.*, Redox-triggered aggregation of ESIONPs with switchable T1 to T2 contrast effect for T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2021, 9(7), 1821-1832.
3. Cao, Y., Mao, Z., He, Y., Kuang, Y., Liu, M., Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y.*, and Pei, R.*, Extremely small iron oxide nanoparticle-encapsulated nanogels as a glutathione-responsive T1 contrast agent for tumor-targeted magnetic resonance imaging. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(24), 26973-26981.
4. Cao, Y., He, Y., Mao, Z., Kuang, Y., Liu, M., Zhang, Y.*, and Pei, R.*, Synergistic regulation of longitudinal and transverse relaxivity of extremely small iron oxide nanoparticles (ESIONPs) using pH-responsive nanoassemblies. Nanoscale, 2020, 12(33), 17502-17516.
5. Cao, Y., Zu, G., Kuang, Y., He, Y., Mao, Z., Liu, M., Xiong, D.*, and Pei, R.*, Biodegradable nanoglobular magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent constructed with host-guest self-assembly for tumor-targeted imaging. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(32), 26906-26916.