Distinguished Youths
JIN Jian / 靳健
  • Department:i-LAB
  • Position:Professor
  • Expertise:Interfacial self-assembly; composite nanomaterials; Colloid & interface;
  • Email:jjin2009@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
1. Free-standing ultrathin films;

2. Nanoporous separation membranes;

3Two-dimensional nanocomposite materials;

4Nanomaterials for environmental sensing;



Apr. 2009 -   Present 


International Lab of Adaptive Biotechnology (i-LAB), SINANO, CAS 

Apr. 2006- Apr. 2009

Chief Researcher

National Institute for Materials Science, Japan

Feb. 2004- Apr. 2006 

Postdoctoral Research Fellow 

National Institute for Materials Science, Japan

Oct. 2001-Oct. 2003 

Postdoctoral Research Fellow 

The University of Tokyo, Japan


Ph.D. 2001 

Physical Chemistry 

Jilin University 

B.S. 1996

Analytical Chemistry 

Jilin University 

Selected Publication:
  1. Lei Wang, Dong Wang, Xin Yi Dong, Zhi Jun Zhang, Xian Feng Pei, Xin Jiang Chen, Biao Chen and Jian Jin*,"Layered Assembly of Graphene Oxide and Co-Al Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheets as Electrode Materials for Supercapacitor. "Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 3556-3358.
  2. Yanxiang Li, Dong Wang, Xianfeng Pei, Zhun Shi, Lei Wang, Wenbin Zhang, and Jian Jin*, "Micelle-assisted Fabrication of Gel-like PEDOT Microspheres: In-situ Observation of the Growth Process. "Soft Matter. 2011, 7, 2682-2686.
  3. Dong Wang, Yanxiang Li, Zhui Shi, Haili Qin, Lei Wang, Xianfeng Pei and Jian Jin*,"Spontaneous Growth of Free-Standing Polypyrrole Films at an Air/Ionic Liquid Interface. "Langmuir 2010, 26,14405-14408.
  4. Jian Jin*, Weifeng Bu, Izumi Ichinose, "Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Dried Foam Films and Their Incorporation of Water-Soluble Compounds. " Langmuir 2010, 26,10506-10512.
  5. Haili Qin, Jian Jin*, Xinsheng Peng, Izumi Ichinose, “Mechanical properties of free-standing single layers of metallic nanocrystals.” J. Mater. Chem. 2010, 20, 858–861.
  6. Xinsheng Peng, Jian Jin, Yoshimichi Nakamura, Takahisa Ohno, Izumi Ichinose, "Ultrafast permeation of water through protein-based membranes. " Nature Nanotech. 2009, 4, 353-357.
  7. Jian Jin, Yukihiro Sugiyama, K. Mitsui, H. Arakawa, Izumi Ichinose, "Nanomechanical Properties of Reversed Surfactant Bilayers Formed in Micrometre-Sized Holes." Chem. Commun. 2008, 954 - 956.
  8. Xinsheng Peng, Jian Jin, Noriko Kobayashi, Wolfgang Schmitt, and Izumi Ichinose “Time-Dependent Growth of Zinc Hydroxide Nanostrands and their Crystal Structure.” Chem. Commun. 2008, 1904 - 1906.
  9. Weifeng. Bu, Jian Jin, Izumi Ichinose, "Foam Films Obtained with Ionic Liquid." Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 902-905.
  10. Jian Jin, Yutaka Wakayama, Xinsheng Peng, Izumi Ichinose, "Surfactant-Assisted Fabrication of Free-Standing Inorganic Sheets Covering an Array of Micrometeric Holes." Nature Mater. 2007, 6, 686-691.
  11. Xinsheng Peng, Jian Jin, Emma M. Ericsson, Izumi Ichinose, "A General Method for Ultrathin Free-Standing Films of Nanofibrous Composite Materials." J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 8625-8633.
  12. Xinsheng Peng, Jian Jin, and Izumi Ichinose, “Mesoporous Separation Membranes of Polymer-Coated Copper Hydroxide Nanostrands” Adv. Funct. Mater. 2007, 17, 1849-1855.
  13. Weifeng Bu, Jian Jin, and Izumi Ichinose, “Dried foam films with A Triple Bilayer Structure Induced by Ionic Liquids” Chem. Commun. 2007, 1325-1327.