Distinguished Youths
CHEN Liwei / 陈立桅
  • Department:i-LAB
  • Position:Professor
  • Expertise:scanning probe microscopy;solar energy conversion; lithium ion battery;
  • Email:lwchen2008@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest

1. Organic/inorganic hybrid thin-film PV devices;

2. High density energy storage devices;

3. Physical chemistry of interfaces in devices;



Jan. 2009 - Present 


Deupty Director 

International Lab of Adaptive Biotechnology (i-LAB), SINANO, CAS 

Aug. 2004-Dec.2008 

Assistant Professor 

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Chio Univeristy, Athens, Chio 

Nov. 2001-July 2004 

Postdoctoral Research Fellow 

Joint appointment at Columbia University and IBM T.J. Watson Research Center 


Ph.D. 2001 

Chemistry and Chemical Biology 

Harvard University 

M.S. 1996 

Chemistry and Molecular Engineering

Peking University 

B.S. 1993 

Materials Science and Engineering 


Selected Publication:
  1. Wei Lu, Yao Xiong and Liwei Chen. Length-Dependent Dielectric Polarization in Metallic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2009), 113, 10337-10340.
  2. Wei Lu, Yao Xiong, Abdou Hassanien, Wei Zhao, Ming Zheng, and Liwei Chen. A Scanning Probe Microscopy Based Assay for Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Metallicity. Nano Letters (2009), 9, 1668-1672.
  3. Dmitri A. Tsyboulski, Ye Hou, Nikta Fakhri, Saunab Ghosh, Ru Zhang, Sergei M. Bachilo, Liwei Chen*, Matteo Pasquali, Jie Liu,* and R. Bruce Weisman*. Do Inner Shells of Double-walled Carbon Nanotubes Really Fluoresce? Nano Letters (2009), 9, 3282-3289.
  4. Dan Wang, and Liwei Chen. Facile direct electron transfer in glucose oxidase modified electrodes. Electrochimica Acta (2009), 54, 4316-4320.
  5. Yunxiang Gao and Liwei Chen. Versatile control of multiphase laminar flow for in-channel microfabrication. Lab-on-a-chip (2008), 8, 1695-1699. 
  6. Yang Xu, Pehr E. Pehrsson, Liwei Chen, Wei Zhao. Controllable Redox Reaction of Chemically Purified DNA-Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Hybrids with Hydrogen Peroxide. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2008), 130, 10054-10055.
  7. Maura C. Cannon, Kimberly Terneus, Qi Hall, Li Tan, Yumei Wang, Benjamin L. Wegenhart, Liwei Chen, Derek T. A. Lamport, Yuning Chen, and Marcia J. Kieliszewski. Self-assemblly of the plant cell wall requires an extensin scaffold. PNAS (2008), 105, 2226-2231.
  8. Wei Lu, Dan Wang and Liwei Chen. Near-Static Dielectric Polarization of Individual Carbon Nanotubes. Nano letters (2007), 7(9), 2729-2733.
  9. Wang, Dan; Chen, Liwei. Temperature and pH-Responsive Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Dispersions.  Nano Letters.  (2007), 7(6), 1480-1484.
  10. Chen, Liwei; Yu, Xuechun; Wang, Dan. Cantilever dynamics and quality factor control in AC mode AFM height measurements. Ultramicroscopy (2007), 107(4-5), 275-280.