Distinguished Youths
YANG Hui / 杨辉
  • Department:Division of Nano-devices & Materials
  • Position:Professor
  • Expertise:MBE and MOCVD growth; GaN based LED and LD; III-V solar cells;
  • Email:hyang2006@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest

1. Semiconductor Optical-electronic devices;

2. GaN based device;

3. Semiconductor Physics;


2006 -Present


Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics, CAS

2002 -2006

 Deputy director

Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

1996 -2002


Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

1993 -1996

 Post-doctoral Researcher & 

 Visiting Scientist

Paul-Drude-Institute for solid state electronicsBerlin, Germany 

1990 -1992

 Associate Professor & 

 Research Associate

Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

1987 -1990

 Research Associate

Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

1985 -1987

 Research Assistant

Institute of Semiconductors, CAS


Ph.D. 1991

Semiconductor Physics

Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

M.S. 1985 

Semiconductor Physics

Institute of Semiconductors, CAS

B.S. 1982

Vacuum Electrics

Peking University

Selected Publication:
  1. J. H. Zhu, L. J. Wang, S. M. Zhang, H. Wang, D. G. Zhao, J. J. Zhu, Z. S. Liu, D. S. Jiang, and H. Yang, “The fabrication of GaN-based nanopillar light-emitting diodes”, Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 074302 (2010)
  2. Qian Sun, Jianfeng Wang, Hui Wang, Ruiqin Jin, Desheng Jiang, Jianjun Zhu, Degang Zhao, Hui Yang, Shengqiang Zhou, Mingfang Wu, Dries Smeets, and Andre Vantomme, “High-temperature AlN interlayer for crack-free AlGaN growth on GaN”, J. Appl. Phys. 104, 043516 (2008)
  3. L. Q. Zhang, D. S. Jiang, J. J. Zhu, D. G. Zhao, Z. S. Liu, Y. T. Wang, S. M. Zhang, and H. Yang, “Confinement factor and absorption loss of AlInGaN based laser diodes emitting from ultraviolet to green”, Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 023104 (2009)
  4. W. Liu, J. F. Wang, J. J. Zhu, D. S. Jiang, and H. Yang  “Influence of the AlN interlayer crystal quality on the strain evolution of GaN layer grown on Si (111)” Applied Physics Letters, 90, 011914 (2007)
  5. H. Wang, Y. Huang, Q. Sun, J. Chen, L. L. Wang, J. J. Zhu, D. G. Zhao, S. M. Zhang, D. S. Jiang, Y. T. Wang, and H. Yang “Effects of grain size on the mosaic tilt and twist in InN films grown on GaN by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition” Applied Physics Letters, 89, 092114, 2006
  6. J. C. Zhang, D. S. Jiang, Q. Sun, J. F. Wang, Y. T. Wang, J. P. Liu, J. Chen, R. Q. Jin, J. J. Zhu, and H. Yang “Influence of dislocations on photoluminescence of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum wells” Applied.physics letters 87, 07 1908  2005
  7. J. P. Liu, Y. T. Wang, and H. Yang “Investigations on V-defects in quaternary AlInGaN epilayers” Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 84, No. 26, 28 June 2004