ZHU Yimin / 朱毅敏
  • Department:Division of Nanobiomedicine Research
  • Position:Professor
  • Expertise:Study of molecular mechanism of tumor cells; Bioengineering for the peptide screening platform; Tracking and imaging techniques for biological molecules in vitro and in vivo
  • Email:ymzhu2008@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
1. Development of methods for screening the functional peptides;

2. Construction of nano-carriers for targeted medicine;

3. Bioactivity of nano-materials.


Jan. 2008 - Present 


Biomedicine Division, SINANO, CAS 

Nov. 2005-Jan.2008 

Post-doc scholar 

Department of Chemical Engineering, UCSB

Sept. 2003-Nov 2005 

Research Fellow (Grade B)

Department of Biochemistry, 

National University of Singapore

Sept.1999-June 2000


Division of Neurology, 

Tianjin 1st central Hospital

Aug.1996-Sept 1999

Resident Doctor

Division of Neurology, 

Tianjin 1st central Hospital


Ph.D. 2005 


National University of Singapore 

M.S. 1996 

Clinical Medicine

Tianjin Medical University



Nankai University

Selected Publication:
  1. Rong Pan, Yang Liu, Wei Chen, Graham Dawson, Xin Wang, Yan Li, Bing Dong and Yimin Zhu,“The Toxicity Evaluation of Nano-trititanate with Bactericidal Properties in vitro” Nanotoxicology,in press, 2011. (corresponding author)
  2. Qingbin Zhang, Xin Wang, Hui Yang, and Yimin Zhu “Multicolor Upconverted Luminescence-Encoded Superparticles via Controlling Self-assembly Based on Hydrophobic Lanthanide-doped NaYF4 Nanocrystals” Journal of Materials Chemistry. In press. 2011 (corresponding author)
  3. Qingtao Chen, Xin Wang, Fenghua Chen, Qingbin Zhang, Bing Dong, Hui Yang, Guixia Liu and Yimin Zhu. “Functionalization of upconverted luminescent NaYF4 : Yb/Er nanocrystals by folic acid–chitosan conjugates for targeted lung cancer cell imaging”. Journal of Materials Chemistry. in press, 2011.
  4. Xuejin Wu, Qingbin Zhang, Xin, Wang, Hui, Yang, Yimin Zhu. “One-pot synthesis of carboxyl-functionalized rare earth fluoride nanocrystals with monodispersity, ultrasmall size and highly-bright luminescence”. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, in press, 2011.
  5. Bing Dong & Yimin Zhu, “Molecular-Targeted Therapy for Cancer” Chinese Journal of Cancer.39(3):370-375,2010(corresponding author)
  6. Karen Y. Dane, Yimin Zhu, Annalee Nguyen, and Patrick S. Daugherty,“Detection of Caspase-3 Activity using Intracellular Fluorescent Protein FRET”Methods in Molecular Biology series, in press, 2008(chapter)
  7. Sui Sum Young, Yimin Zhu, Derek Smith, Chandra Verma, Wee Guan Lim, Bee Jen Tan, Jeffrey S.Armstrong, Shufeng Zhou, Senf-Lai Tan, Nam Sang Cheung and Wei Duan, “ The last ten amino acidresidues beyond the hydrophobic motif are critical for the catalytic competence and function of protein kinase Cα” Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281 (41): 30768-30781, 2006. Epub Aug 8, 2006, (co-first author).
  8. Yimin Zhu, Derek Smith, Chandra Verma, Wee Guan Lim, Bee Jen Tan, Jeffery A Armstrong, Shufeng Zhou, Eli Chan, Seng-Lai Tan, Yi-Zhun Zhu, Nam Sang Cheung and Wei Duan, “The very C-terminus ofprotein kinase Cε is critical for full catalytic competence but its hydrophobic motif is dispensible for the interaction with 3-phosphoinositide dependent-kinase-1” Cellular Signaling, 18(6): 807-18, 2006. Epub2005 Aug 30.
  9. Yimin Zhu, Wee Guan Lim, Bee Jen Tan, Tian Seng Teo & Wei Duan, “Identification of an integral plasma membrane pool of protein kinase C in mammalian tissues and cells”, Cellular Signalling, 17(9):1125-36, 2005.
  10. Yimin Zhu, Qihan Dong, Bee Jen Tan, Wee Guan Lim, Shufeng Zhou and Wei Duan., “ The PKCα-D294Gmutant found in pituitary and thyroid tumors fails to transduce extracellular signals” Cancer Research, 65(11):4520-4524, 2005.
  11. Yimin Zhu, Donna B. Stolz, Fengli Guo, Mark A. Ross, Simon C. Watkins, Bee Jen Tan, Robert Z. Qi, Ed Manser, Qiu Tian Li, Boon Huat Bay, Tian Seng Teo and Wei Duan, “Signaling via a novel integral plasma membrane pool of a serine/threonine protein kinase PRK1 in mammalian cells”, The FASEB Journal, 18:1722-1724, 2004.