ZENG Zhongming / 曾中明
  • Department:Nanofabrication Facility
  • Position:Professor
  • Expertise:Spintronics; Nanofabrication process; Microwave oscillators;
  • Email:zmzeng2012@sinano.ac.cn
Research Interest
  1. Spintronics;
  2. Nanofabrication process;
  3. Microwave oscillators;

Jan. 2012 - Present 


Nanofabrication Facility, SINANO, CAS 

Oct. 2009-Dec.2011 

Postdoctoral Research Fellow 

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, Los Angeles

Apr. 2007-Sep. 2009 

Postdoctoral Research Fellow 

Advanced Materials Research Institute, University of New Orleans 

Sep. 2006-Mar. 2007

Special Researcher

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Japan


Ph.D. 2006 

Institute of Physics 


M.S. 2003

Materials Science and Engineering 

Central Southern University

B.S. 2000 

Materials Science and Engineering 

Central Southern University 

Selected Publication:
  1. Z. M. Zeng, P. Upadhyaya, P. Khalili Amiri, J. A. Katine, J. Langer, K. L. Wang, and H. W. Jiang, Enhancement of microwave emission in magnetic tunnel junction oscillators through in-plane field orientation, Applied Physics Letters 99, 032503 (2011).
  2. Z. M. Zeng, P. K. Amiri, G. Rowlands, H. Zhao, I. N. Krivorotov, J. P. Wang, J. A. Katine, J. Langer, K. Galatsis, K. L. Wang, and H. W. Jiang, Effect of resistance-area product on spin-transfer switching in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junction memory cells, Applied Physics Letters 98, 072512 (2011).
  3. P. K. Amiri, Z. M. Zeng, J. Langer, H. Zhao, G. Rowlands, Y. J. Chen, I. N. Krivorotov, J.-P. Wang, H. W. Jiang, J. A. Katine, Y. Huai, K. Galatsis, and K. L. Wang, Switching Current Reduction Using Perpendicular Anisotropy in CoFeB-MgO Magnetic Tunnel Junctions, Applied Physics Letters 98, 1125071 (2011).
  4. P. K. Amiri, Z. M. Zeng, P. Upadhyaya, G. Rowlands, H. Zhao, I. N. Krivorotov, J. P. Wang, H. W. Jiang, J. A. Katine, J. Langer, K. Galatsis, and K. L. Wang, Low Write-Energy Magnetic Tunnel Junctions for High-Speed Spin-Transfer-Torque MRAM, IEEE Electron Device Letters 32, 57 (2011).
  5. Z. M. Zeng, K. H. Cheung, H. W. Jiang, I. N. Krivorotov, J. A. Katine, V. Tiberkevich and A. Slavin, Evolution of spin-wave modes in magnetic tunnel junction nanopillars, Physical Review B 82, 100410 (R) (2010).
  6. Z. M. Zeng, K. Wang, Z. X. Zhang, J. J. Chen, and W. L. Zhou, Detection of H2S at room temperature by using individual indium oxide nanowire transistor, Nanotechnology 20, 045503(2009).
  7. Z. M. Zeng, Y. Li, J. J. Chen, and W. L. Zhou, Core-shell GaP/GaOx Nanowires and nanochains and their transport properties, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112, 18588 (2008).
  8. Y. Wang, Z. M. Zeng, X. F. Han, X. G. Zhang, X. C. Sun, and Z. Zhang, Temperature-dependent Mn-diffusion modes in CoFeB- and CoFe-based magnetic tunnel junction: Electron-microscopy studies, Physical Review B 75, 214424 (2007).
  9. Z. M. Zeng, J. F. Feng, Y. Wang, X. F. Han, W. S. Zhan, X.-G. Zhang, and Z. Zhang, Probing Spin-flip Scattering in ballistic nanosystem, Physical Review Letters 97, 106605 (2006).
  10. Z. M. Zeng, X. F. Han, W. S. Zhan, Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, and S. F. Zhang, Oscillatory tunnel magnetoresistance in double barrier magnetic tunnel junction, Physical Review B 72, 054419 (2005).