Topic: Spintronics Microwave Technologies
Speaker: Dr. Can-Ming Hu
Time: 10:00am,July 19, 2013.
Location: Conference Room D111, SINANO
As the renaissance of Michael Faraday’s prophetic idea that magnetism, electricity, and light are macroscopically interconnected, advances in materials science, nanotechnology, and magnetism research have enabled investigation of the interplay of spins, charges, and photons at the microscopic level. It forms an exciting new research field of Dynamic Spintronics. New horizons emerge by using nanostructured spintronics devices to innovate existing microwave radar technique, to enhance tomographic microwave imaging approaches, as well as to improve the standard microwave antenna design procedure.In this talk, Dr. Can-Ming Hu will review their recent work performed on this new frontier by focusing on the physical principle, the scientific advantages, and the technical challenges in implementing spintronics microwave technologies [1].
[1] For more information and references, please check their group website at:
Their group is currently looking for motivated graduate students.
Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. Can-Ming Hu joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manitoba, Canada in 2005 as an Assistant Professor, where he became a Full Professor in 2012. Dr. Hu graduated from Fudan University in 1988. He received the Ph. D degree at Wuerzburg University, Germany, in 1995. From 1996 to 1998, he served as an Assistant, Associate and Full Professor at Chinese Academy of Science. He was appointed in 1997 as the deputy director of the National Lab for Infrared Physics in Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics. From 1999 to 2005, he was a subgroup leader and teaching at the University of Hamburg, Germany, where he received the German Habilitation degree in 2006.
Dr. Hu’s research has covered 4 different areas including semiconductor physics, spintronics, magnetism, and microwave technology. He has published about 80 papers in peer-reviewed journals (more than 10% of them in Physical Review Letters). He has 3 US patents in microwave imaging. His special interest is in studying the physics of the interplay of spins, charges and photons in low-dimensional systems, and in developing spintronics microwave technologies.