News & Events

Lecture-High Density Chemical and Biological Sensor Arrays

Update time:Sep 26, 2013

Speaker: Pro. Nosang Myung

Time: 10:00a.m.,Sep 20, 2013.

Location: A718, SINANO


Electronic detection of molecules is rapidly emerging as an alternative to the tranditional optical and electrochemical methods because of the small size, low-power consumption, improved sensing performance and most of all possibility of developing high density arrays for simulatenous analyses of multiple species in small sample volumes. Recently, one-dimensional nanostructures (e.g., carbon nanotubes (CNTs), inorganic, and organic nanowires) as conduction channels of field effect transistors (FETs) have been developed for detection of a variety of gaseous and biological molecules with excellent low detection limit, sensitivity, and selectivity. These features are a consequence of dramatic decrease in characteristic length and increase in the ratio of surface to volume atoms, allowing for rapid diffusion into the bulk and for a more significant fraction of the atoms to participate in surface processes such as chemical and biochemical binding interactions. One-dimensional geometries also enhance response times by virtue of their two-dimensional mass transfer profile. Furthermore, nanowires are heralded for device miniaturization and sensor arrays, enabling duplicate elements to reduce false positives/negatives and pattern recognition systems termed electronic noses/tongues where each sensor in the array has a unique response to every analyte creating a fingerprint type response that increases sensitivity and selectivity. Finally, sensors are also attractive for their proven commercial viability, as this approach uses a single material behaving as both the sensitive layer and transducer to directly covert chemical information into an electronic signal without the need for labels, allowing for real-time, continuous monitoring. In this presentation, synthesis, functionalization, and assembly of various nanoengineered materials including CNTs and conducting polymer nanowires will be discussed to create “true” high density gaseous and biological sensor arrays with superior sensing performance in cost-effective manner. In addition, newly developed displacement format based nano biosensor will be discussed for detecting small and/or uncharged molecules of interest in environmental monitoring and health care. Finally, Android based smartphone integratable sensor is demonstrated.

Short Bio:

Professor Nosang Myung received his B.S. M.S. and Ph. D. Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1994, 1997, and 1998, respectively. He spent three years as a research engineer at the same institution. In 2001-2003, he joined micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) group at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) which is one of NASA center as a member of engineering staff. Currently, he is the department chair of Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering and center director for newly formed Winston Chung Global Energy Center at University of California, Riverside. During his career, he received a few awards including University of California Regent Fellowship, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Spot Award, Abner Brenner gold medal award from American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers Society (AESF), First time author’s award from Plating and Surface Finishing, National Science Foundation graduate fellowship, Department of Education fellowship, American Electroplating and Surface Finishing summer scholarship, Hughes aircraft company scholarship. Dr. Myung’s research interests are focused on the synthesis of nanoengineered materials and apply these materials in various advanced applications including spintronics, sensors, electronics, optoelectronics, energy harvesting, and environmental remediation. Dr.Myung’s group objective is to control nanoscale sized features to enhance material properties and device functions beyond those that wecurrently know. Currently, he published over 140 peer-reviewed journal papers and His h-index is over 30 with the total citation of over 2,000.
