News & Events

Lecture-Terahertz Sources, Detectors and Imaging Systems

Update time:Oct 08, 2013

Speaker: Dr. Chong Li (University of Glasgow)

Time: Oct 14th 14:00

Location: A320 SINANO


Dr. Chong Li is a postdoc research associate at University of Glasgow. He has obtained BEng (Donghua University, 2002), MSc (University of Manchester, 2007) and PhD (University of Glasgow, 2012) degrees and previously worked for Silverdome Electric (Dublin, Ireland). His PhD was to develop terahertz planar Gunn diodes and his first post-doc was to develop terahertz imaging systems. He is currently working on SUPERCAMERA project and responsible for developing a CMOS integrated device for sensing terahertz, infrared and visible light. His research areas include high frequency semiconductor devices, millimeter-wave components and circuits, terahertz optics components and imaging systems, and frequency selected surfaces based devices. He has more than 30 publications in the past 5 years.


Terahertz science and technology has attracted huge attention among researchers in the past two decades. Many efforts have been made to solve the bottleneck of the least explored electromagnetic spectrum: sources and detectors. In this seminar, Dr. Li will analyze current commercial terahertz products and discuss some of the state-of-art developments of terahertz sources and detectors. Focus will be given on the research activities including terahertz planar Gunn diodes, monolithic metamaterial detectors and imaging systems that have been carried out by Dr. Li and others within the MicroSystem Group (MST) at Glasgow University.
