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Electric Textile Based Wearable Devices and Systems for Health Monitoring

Update time:Oct 30, 2013

Presented by TAO Xiao-ming,Chair Professor of Textile Technology,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

Time:9:00 a.m.,Oct 31,2013



Wearables or apparel provide the interface between man and environments or between man and machines. After the last decade of extensive research and developments of smart textiles and apparel around the globe, the textile based electronic technology for health monitoring has been successful in terms of technological maturity, industrial adaptation and market penetration. This presentation gives an overview of the field, a summary of the research on textile based electronics conducted by PolyU group, a critical analysis of the current status and needs for future work.


TAO Xiaoming, PhD, Hon. FTI, FHKITA, FASME, FRSA - Chair Professor of Textile Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Prof. Tao has been Chair Professor of Textile Technology at Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University since 2002. She was awarded the Honorary Fellowship of the Textile Institute and Founder's award of Fiber Society, the two highest individual international research awards in the field of textiles and fibers, respectively. She is also Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineering and the Royal Society of Arts, Design and Commercial Applications.

In the last 25 years, Prof. Tao has conducted research in intelligent fibrous materials, nanotechnology, flexible and fiber-based electronics and photonics, textile manufacturing and composites. She published five monographs, over six hundred journal and conference papers. Her published works were cited and followed up by many people and sheis one of the top 1% most cited material researchers in the world. Nine of her twenty one granted patents have been adopted and applied in the industry around the world.
