News & Events

Polyaniline is a Conducting Polymer:Synthesis, Characterization and Application

Update time:Sep 01, 2014

Presented by Pro. Ayad Mohamed Mohamed, Tanta University.


Time: 11:00 a.m., Sep 2, 2014

Location: D1204, SINANO  


The conducting polymer such as polypyrrole and polyaniline(PANI) is a field of increasing scientific and technological interest, offering the opportunity to synthesize a broad variety of new materials that have a wide range of applications. PANI is one of the most intensively investigated conducting polymers. This is due to its environmental stability, high degree of processability and interesting redox properties associated with its chain. However, a great deal of attention was paid to the nanostructures produced by PANI because of the unique properties: large surface area, short path lengths for the transport of ions, and high electrochemical activity.This talk reviews properties of the ultrathin film of PANI: synthesis, characterization and kinetics of formation. The different nanostructured forms of PANI and their nanocomposites with inorganic materials will be mentioned. The application of these materials in sensors, drug carrier, and as an adsorbent are also discussed.
