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High Performance Polymer Photovoltaic Cells

Update time:Sep 23, 2014

Dr. Xiong Gong from The University of Akron will give a talk at SINANO

Academic ReportHigh Performance Polymer Photovoltaic Cells

SpeakerDr. Xiong Gong

Time: Tuesday 14:00 p.m., 23th September

Place: F207 ,SINANO


Abstract: Bulk heterojunction (BHJ) polymer solar cells (PSCs) are regarded as one of the most promising alternatives to inorganic-based solar cells. Recent advances in PSCs performance have resulted from compressing the bandgap to enhance the short-circuit current (JSC) while lowering the highest occupied molecular orbital to increase the open-circuit voltage (VOC), consequently enhance the power conversion efficiency (PCE). However, PCEs of PSCs are still constrained by low JSC, small VOC and low fill factor (FF). In this presentation, I would like share with you how we approach high performance PSCs via device engineering, interfacial engineering and novel materials.

In the first part of my presentation, I would like to address how to overcome 50% energy losses in BHJ PSCs due to strong photogenerated charge carrier recombination within PSCs and low charge carrier mobility of disordered organic materials and get over 50% enhanced efficiency from BHJ PSCs by incorporating novel inorganic nanoparticales and external field alignment.

In the second part of my presentation, I would like to present how to approach high performance inverted PSCs via interfacial engineering… to enhance surface electrical conductivity of electron extraction layer by conjugated polyelectrolytes, neutral fullerene derivatives and ionic liquids.   

In the last part of my presentation, I would like to report over 10% efficiency from single-junction PSCs with high JSC, large VOC and high FF by novel two-dimensional donor-acceptor conjugated copolymer.  

Short Bio of Dr. Xiong Gong: Currently, Dr. Gong is an Associate Professor in the Department of Polymer Engineering at the College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, University of Akron.

He received many international and national awards including the top 1 percent of the mostly cited scientists in the field of materials science between 2002 and 2012, NSF CARRER award and NSFC oversea outstanding Chinese Youngest Scientist award. He has accomplished over 150 articles published in the peer reviewed journals including in Science and Nature, with a peer citation over 11000 times. He earned an H-index of 46. He also contributed 32 granted/pending patents and 8 book chapters.
He is also an Adjunct Chair Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Luminescence Materials and Devices at the South China University of Technology, P. R. China.
Prior to that, he was a senior research scientist in the Center for Polymers and Organic Solids at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), and a manager of Cbrite Inc. from 2005 to 2010. He did his post-doctoral fellow with Professor Alan J Heeger (Noble Prize Winner) at UCSB. He obtained his Ph. D. in Physics from Nankai University, M. Sc. in Chemistry from Lanzhou University and B. Sc. in Chemistry from Northwest Normal University.
