News & Events

Call for 2015 International Graduate Students Programs

Author:sinano Update time:Jan 12, 2015


1. Introduction 

The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) offers 143 Master’s and 138 Doctoral programs to international students through 12 UCAS faculties and 113 institutes of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). For detailed information about UCAS faculties and CAS institutes, please visit the UCAS website at 

Master’s programs usually last for 2-3 years, and Doctoral programs 3 years. Certificates of graduation and degrees will be awarded to those who have met the requirements of graduation and degree conferment. The teaching languages of the Master’s program mostly are Chinese or Chinese-English bilingually in addition to a few programs taught in English.  

2. Application Guidance 

2.1 Qualifications of Applicants 

(1)     Non-Chinese citizens; 

(2)     healthy and willing to abide by the Chinese laws and decrees; 

(3)     Education and age requirements as follows: 

· Master’s programs: holding a Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent; 

· Doctoral programs: hold a Master’s degree or its equivalent; 

(4)     Language skills requirements as follows:  

· For programs offered in Chinese: Applicants for programs of humanities shall pass the new Chinese Proficiency Test (New HSK) band 5?scoring over 180, and those for science and engineering programs shall pass the new HSK band 4?scoring over 195; 

· For programs offered in English: please refer to individual program requirements; 

· For PhD programs, English proficiency is required. 

2.2 Documents Submission 

(1)      ADMISSION APPLICATION FORM FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Download the attachment and fill in the form with a 2-inch photo and applicant’s signature. The applicant cannot apply to more than one supervisor and institute/school. 

(2)     Photocopy of passport (at least 2 years validity) personal information page 

(3)     Original notarized photocopy of degree certificate: Master’s program applicants need to submit their Bachelor’s degree certificate. Doctoral program applicants need to submit both Master’s and Bachelor’s degree certificates. (Those who have not graduated yet shall offer a proof of education and expected graduation time in their current academic institution) 

(4)     Original transcripts or original notarized photocopy of transcripts: Master’s program applicants need to submit the academic transcript of their undergraduate study. Doctoral program applicants need to submit academic transcripts of both graduate and undergraduate studies. 

(5)     Recommendation letters from two professors or equivalent: the referees should be experts or scholars in the applicant’s field other than the supervisor applied to. A recommendation letter should be printed on paper with the name of the referee’s affiliation, with the applicant’s signature and date, and be sealed. 

(6)     CV and research proposal 

(7)     Photocopies of all the title pages and abstracts of maximum 5 representative published academic papers 

(8)     Bank Receipt of Application Processing Fee: RMB 600 or USD, EUR equivalent 

For applicants outside mainland China, payments shall be made in US dollars or Euros in the form of a personal check or money order or travelers check attached to the application form, payable to UCAS. For applicants currently in mainland China, payments shall be made in Chinese currency by remitting money directly to the following bank account (Please specify that the remittance is for the application fee): 

Beneficiary: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 

Account number: 11001059200053002790 

Bank: Construction Bank of China 

Beijing Municipal Dongfang Guangchang Branch  



Applicants may also submit the admission fee to UCAS Financial Department.  


· All the above certificates should be in English or Chinese; if not, there should be an original notarized copy of English or Chinese translation; 

· Lacking application documents or unsatisfactory documents will not be accepted; 

· All admission documents and admission fee are non-refundable regardless of the applicant’s admission status. 

2.3 Admission Process 

(1) Find an Eligible Host Supervisor Affiliated with UCAS Faculties or CAS Institutes 

Applicants who are eligible and meet all the eligibility criteria above may contact an eligible supervisor of UCAS faculties or CAS institutes and send the hard/soft copy of their application documents to the supervisor. See for information of supervisors. 

(2) Get a Host Supervisor’s Acceptance 

The supervisor checks and evaluates the applicant’s academic ability according to the admission regulations of UCAS and/or the institute. Two or three experts might be invited to conduct an interview with the applicant or a written examination will be taken if necessary. The supervisor then makes a decision as whether to accept the student by making comments and signing on the supervisor’s comment page in the admission application form and submit all the necessary documents to the institute/faculty (The supervisor’s comment is also needed on the scholarship application form). 

(3) Faculty/Institute Approval 

The application will be reviewed by the faculty or institute to decide whether to accept the applicants. If approved, the faculty/institute completes the comment page of the admission application form and sends the stamped application form along with all the application documents to UCAS International Students Office. 

(4) UCAS makes the final review and prepares admission documents 

UCAS prepares the admission and visa application documents for eligible applicants after final review. The outcomes of evaluation meetings on scholarship applications will be announced once the expert panel makes the decision.  

VERY IMPORTANT: Please do not send the application package without the supervisor’s signature and official stamp of the faculty/institute. 

(5) Application Time:  

· Master’s programs offered in Chinese or bilingually in Chinese and English: December 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015;  

Master’s programs offered in English: See the specific calls of the programs; 

· Doctoral Program for 2015 fall semester:  

December 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015 

· Doctoral Program for 2016 spring semester:  

July 1, 2015 – November 30, 2015 

Note: For those who plan to apply for a scholarship, please refer to the call for applications for scholarship programs and submit the required documents before the deadline. 

3. Visa Application and Admission Registration 

UCAS will send Admission Notices and Visa Application forms to the admitted students. The admitted students should bring their personal passport, Admission Notice, Visa Application Form (JW202/ JW201), and original Form of Physical Examination Record for Foreigners as well as other original documents of physical examination to the Embassy or Consulate of the People's Republic of China, and apply for a student visa (X1/X2 visa). After entry to China, students should register at the place indicated on the Admission Notice within the required registration period. 

4. Fees and Scholarships 

4.1 Application Fee, Tuition, and Costs: 

(1) RMB 600 or USD, EUR equivalent (non-refundable); 

(2) Tuition: 

· Master’s program: RMB 30,000/year;
· PhD Program:   

Liberal Arts: RMB 34,000/year
All Other Disciplines: RMB 40,000/year;  

(3) Accidental Injury and Hospitalization Insurance: RMB 800/year, RMB 400/half year; 

(4) Accommodation (shared rooms): RMB 900/month for one student  

(5) Outpatient service fee is paid according to the insurance.  

Accommodation, broad expenses, travel expenses and other costs of experiments or internships beyond the program curriculum is at the student’s own expense.  

4.2 Scholarship 

· Chinese Government Scholarship 

The Chinese Government Scholarship covers 7 programs, including Bilateral Program, Great Wall Program, EU Program, PIF Program, etc., to sponsor international students and scholars to study and research in Chinese universities. The scholarship offers a fee waiver of registration, tuition, health insurance, on-campus dormitory accommodation, etc. Please refer to the website of the China Scholarship Council ( for detailed introduction, qualifications of applicants and admission process. UCAS is one of the Chinese Government Scholarship universities. The eligible applicants may apply to the China Scholarship Council by recommendation of the related national official departments and Embassy or Consulate of the People's Republic of China. The scholarship usually starts in November and finishes the following April. Due to the different deadlines of countries, please check relevant information in time. The International Students Office of UCAS will offer pre-admission notice if needed.  

Applicants may also apply by UCAS recommendation (see But this is only for a small number of excellent international students who are not currently studying in China.  

· CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship Programme 

The scholarship offers a fee waiver of application and tuition and provides health insurance, on-campus dormitory accommodation. UCAS is one of the authorized institutions supported by the CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship. Please refer to the UCAS website at for detailed information and application procedures.  

· UCAS Scholarship for International Students for Graduates programs 

The UCAS Scholarship for Foreign Students for degree programs offers waiver of tuition and registration fees, and provides health insurance and on-campus dormitory accommodation.  

Please refer to the UCAS website ( more information. 

5. Contact Information 

Coordinator: Ms. Hu Menglin 

International Students Office 

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences 

Add: No. 80 Zhongguancun East Road, Haidian District, 

 Beijing, 100190, China 


Tel/Fax: +86-10-82672900 

