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Nanofabrication and Its Application in Plasmonic Devices

Author:NANO-X Ding Sun an Update time:Feb 11, 2015

Time: Tuesday 10:00 a.m. 10th February

Place: A622,SINANO

Academic Report:Nanofabrication and Its Application in Plasmonic Devices

Speaker:Jian Zhang

Abstract: Nanofabricaton is important for the research in nanophotonics. This talk is focused on the development of novel nanofabrication techniques and nanostructures for the devices based on surface plasmon (SP). Several works will be introduced: (1) the breakthrough of e-beam lithography resolution and its application for SERS sensor; (2) ultra-smooth Au film for extraordinary optical transmission sensor; (3) nanofabrication for non-flat surface, tilted nanostructures, and soft-nanoimprint lithography; (4) near-field imaging of nanostructures.

Biography: Jian Zhang obtained his B.S. and M. S. degree in materials science at Nanjing University in 2005 and 2009, respectively, and his PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering at University of Waterloo in 2014 (advisor: Prof. Bo Cui). Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher at KU Leuven, working with Prof. Victor V. Moshchalkov.

Jian Zhang research interests include novel nanofabrication techniques and their applications on nanophotonic devices. His past experiences include nanofabrication, sensor application and optical measurement.
