News & Events

The active interface in hybrid metal-oxide and organic thin-film transistors

Update time:May 22, 2015

 Speaker:Dr. Vincenzo Pecunia  

  Hoster:Prof. CUI Zheng 

  Time: Monday 13:30-14:30p.m., 25th May.   

  Place:P207 SINANO



Dr Vincenzo Pecunia is a Research Associate at the Optoelectronics Group of the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge. His research interests include solution-based organic, metal-oxide and hybrid transistors, and process integration for flexible and printed electronics. Vincenzo joined the EPSRC Centre in May 2014 to work on the iPESS project. Vincenzo carried out his doctoral work on organic electronics under the supervision of Professor Henning Sirringhaus at the University of Cambridge (2009-2014), and have published several papers in organic electronics, advanced electronics materials, advanced materials and so on. Before his PhD, he completed his BSc and MSc in Electronics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
