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Surfaces and Growth In-Situ: All That Wonderful Stainless Steel

Update time:May 26, 2015

Speaker:L. D. Marks, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208, USA

Time: 9:30a.m., 1th June.

Place:A718 SINANO


In situ studies of surfaces and thin film growth is an exceedingly power technique, but sometimes also an exceedingly difficult and even limited approach. The main new science that it can yield is data on the key processes taking place which forensic examination often cannot reveal; one limitations are that one cannot always obtain all the information that one would like while the experiments are taking place. More than a few years ago an effort started at Northwestern University to combine a ultra-high vacuum transmission electron microscope with a multichamber surface science and thin film growth facility. In this talk I will overview some of the successes, ranging from observations of the growth mode of single layer hexagonal BN (now called boron-nitrene) and details about some silicon-metal surface structures, up to more recent work on oxide surfaces. I will also mention the early stages of some related work taking this approach a step further where in-situ thin film oxide growth is combined with x-ray diffraction with samples that can then be directly imaged in an electron microscope.


My research interests cover a wide range of topic some of which are relatively basic such as Direct Methods, Surface Structures, and Density Functional Theory while others such as Hip Replacements, Environmental Catalysis, and Tribology have a stronger eye on applications; see the research page for more details. Much of the fundamental work involves combining cutting-edge variants of electron microscopy in a unique combination of an electron microscope and surface science system so we can combine more standard surface science probes, such as XPS or Auger, and chambers where samples are grown, all within one unique UHV system. Current projects include: Oxide Surfaces; Hip Replacments; Nanotribology; Nanoparticles: Plasmonics, Catalysis, Fuel Cells and Fundamentals; Density Functional Theory.
