News & Events

Flexible Roll-to-Roll Printed and Hybrid Electronics Technology and Applications

Update time:May 07, 2018

Speaker:Prof.Harri Kopola,VTT Technical Research Centre
Time: Friday,9:30-10:30 a.m.,11th May

Roll-to-roll printed and flexible printed hybrid electronics are key enabling technologies and are of high interest to industries asking for flex enabled, large area or wearable products and solutions. Roll-to-roll printed intelligence technology status will be introduced covering ‘flexible substrate’ processing technologies, pick and place processes to integrate/assemble IC circuits, chips and other components on flexible substrate and further encapsulation processes to finish flexible or 3D-shaped encapsulation. Also PrintoCent pilot lines and cluster activities for scaling-up manufacturing and industrialisation will be introduced. Finally the examples of printed intelligence technology applications for IoT and industrial internet, digital health and hyper-connected digital world solutions, systems and services will be described.

Dr. Harri Kopola is Professor in Knowlegde Intensive Products and Services Business Area (KIPS) at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. Since 1st September 2016 after stepping down from Vice-President Research position he is concentrating his efforts in printed intelligence industrialization and commercialization, digital naked world and Hilla – Hightech ICT leverage initiatives. He has been servicing VTT since 1995 as the research professor in optoelectronics, responsible head of optoelectronics research, research director at VTT Electronics, research director in microtechnologies and electronics research, and VP Research in KIPS beeing responsible of research strategy and research portfolio of technology areas covering microsystems, printed and hybrid functionalities, intelligent sensor systems, metrology, digital systems and services, communication systems, and health. As special initiative he was leading a new VTT spearhead program ‘Center for Printed Intelligence’ from August 2006 to December 2009. In 1989 he was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Ottawa and NRC, Canada. And he had his expat period as a visiting professor 4 months at the University of Tokyo, Institute of Industrial Science from September to December 2012, and 8 months at the University of California Berkeley from January to August 2013. March 2018 he got OE-A Fellow Award.
