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Yandong Liu, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and State Councilor, Visited SINANO

Author:Sinano Update time:May 09, 2008

Yandong Liu, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and State Councilor, visited SINANO on May 9th, 2008. She was accompanied by the Minister of Education Ji Zhou; Secretary of CPC Jiangsu Committee Baohua Liang; Deputy Secretary of CPC Jiangsu Committee and Jiangsu Governor Zhijun Luo; Standing Committee Member of CPC Jiangsu Committee & Secretary of CPC Suzhou Committee Rong Wang; Jiangsu Vice-Governor Tao-lin Zhang and Deputy Secretary of CPC Suzhou Committee & Suzhou Mayor Li Yan.

Mrs Liu’s delegation visited the physics and chemistry lab as well as the Exhibition Hall of SINANO-local partner Collaboration Achievements. During the visit, Director Hui Yang of SINANO briefed the visitors on the basic condition of the institute. She was affirmative of the achievements of SINANO-local partner collaboration, SINANO team construction, innovation mechanism, research focus and technology conversion and optimistic of the development of SINANO. Upon hearing Yongxiang Lu (the director of CAS)’s concept of the construction of a value chain from basic research to industrialization, Yandong Liu was happy about the idea and requested Mr. Baohua Liang to offer any more supports possible in future.

Yandong Liu also very carefully inspected the reported research results from SINANO projects and questioned the research details. She was very concerned about attracting creative and highly skilled scientists and engineers and held a talk with the successful scientists who had returned from research experiences overseas. She encouraged all the people by saying, “We are seeking many highly talented scientists as we develop an innovative country. I wish you all the best for great success in your work here.”

As her parting words, Yandong Liu expressed her wishes toward us, “My comrades at SINANO should keep on working until there’s no gap between basic research and industry”. CAS should focus on this even more, and make even greater achievements in the construction of an innovative country. She urged government at all levels to provide a supportive environment for scientific and technological innovations and to assist in the transformation to a new pattern of scientific and industrial development.
