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Nano-Optoelectronic Devices Symposium of Chinese Academy of Sciences Held in SINANO

Author:Sinano Update time:Apr 22, 2009

To study the planning of nanocentres in CAS during "China's Twelfth-Five Year Program" and promote collaboration among institutes of CAS in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, the Nano-optoelectronic Devices symposium of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was held at SINANO between April 21st and 22nd. The symposium invited more than 30 domestic experts, including CAS academician Sishen Xie, Director of Chemistry and Interdisciplinary Science Department of CAS Basic Sciences Bureau, Dajun Guo, SINANO preparation group leader Prof. Hui Yang, and deputy leader Peihua Liu.

The two-day symposium focused on the proceedings of international research on nano-optical devices, especially on the basic optoelectronic features of nanostructures and the applications of these nanostructures in fields of environmental protection, information and health. The participants of the symposium introduced their research results and studies. They also came up with suggestions and opinions concerning the research. Research fellows Zheng Cui, Ke Xu, Liwei Chen, Baoshun Zhang, Hua Qin and Dongmin Wu gave lectures at the symposium and exchanged ideas with other experts.
