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International Biomaterials Research Delegation visited SINANO

Author:生物医学部 陈彩霞 Update time:Nov 06, 2010

An international group of Biomaterials Research Delegation funded by People-to-People Foundation visited SINANO on Nov. 4th. The delegation was leaded by Dr. Jerry Gilbert, a biomaterials professor at Syracuse University of the USA, and joined by other fifteen biomaterials or chemistry researchers from UK,TAIWAN or USA.

The delegation toured SINANO exhibition hall and multiple-million-dollar nano-fab facility lab accompanied by Deputy Director Liwei Chen, Professors Jianwu Dai, Guosheng Cheng, Zongwu Deng and Rongxin Wang.

The delegation then had a discussion with faculty members and students of SINANO. Firstly, Prof Dai, Nanobiomedicine Division Head, delivered a welcome speech to the members of the delegation, followed by Prof Gilbert’s overview on the history and mission of the People-to-People Foundation. Prof. Cheng gave a presentation on research teams and interests of the nano-bio-medical division. Finally both two sides discussed the research frontiers on biomaterials research field and found some common interests. This communication was subject to establish an international collaboration on biomaterials and tissue engineering research in future.

SINANO exhibition hall tour presented by Deputy-Director Chen

The exchange session of biomaterials research in China and US
