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The Printable Electronics Research Center of Suzhou Institute of Nanotech has successfully produced all-printed thin film transistors

Author:学科交叉部 金曼曼 Update time:Nov 09, 2010

The Printable Electronics Research Center of Suzhou Institute of Nanotech has successfully produced all-printed thin film transistors. The technology is based on inks made from carbon nanotubes and silver nanoparticles. Using aerosol jet printing method, the inks can be printed onto rigid or flexible substrates. The thin film transistors made by printing have demonstrated low operating voltage, good reliability and the printing process can be performed in air, in contrast to current organic thin-film transistors which have to be made in glovebox in a controlled environment. The printing technology allows quick design and fabrication of electronic circuits, avoiding conventional semiconductor fabrication processes, which can greatly reduce the cycle of system development and cost. The work has laid a foundation for further development of practical applications based on printed thin film transistors.

The following graphs show the all-printed thin film transistors and the measurements of electric characteristics.


