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Talks at SINANO by Prof. WANG Shumin and Dr. ZHAO Huan

Author:SONG Xiaoxiao Update time:Aug 17, 2011

In the afternoon of August 16, 2011, Prof. WANG Shumin  and Dr ZHAO Huan from Chalmers University of Technology (CTH) Sweden, visited SINANO and gave talks on "Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth of GaSbBi and InSbBi", which was hosted by Prof. DONG Jianrong from Division of Nano-devices and Materials.

Prof. WANG's presentation covered the current status of the growth of GaSbBi and InSbBi, the technical issues and the challenges, and the latest results obtained in his lab, as well as the prospect of the Bi-containing materials. In the talk on "Researches at TML for THz generation and detection", Dr. ZHAO introduced several ways to fabricate THz sources including using Heterostructure barrier varactor (HBV) and Schottky diodes for space mission applications, and she also presented the latest device results achieved at CTH. Both staff and students attended the seminar, and discussed the details with Prof. WANG and Dr. ZHAO.

Prof. WANG Shunin, a senior expert on MBE technologies, a member of programme committee of MBE 2006, serves as a reviewer and consultant for European and other funding agencies, a reviewer of Applied Physics letters, Journal of Crystal, Physical Review B, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, Thin Solid Films d and Physica Scripta, Senior Member of IEEE, and member of SPIE. He has made outstanding achievements in semiconductor lasers for optical fiber communications and metamorphic growth of semiconductors and related devices.
