News & Events

Singapore’s Ambassador to China Visited SINANO

Author:SUN Xuemei, Project Management Department Update time:Sep 02, 2011

On the morning of August 29, Mr. Chin Siat Yoon, Singapore’s Ambassador to China, and his entourage, visited Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO). Mr. MA Minglong, Secretary of SIP CPC Working Committee, and ZHANG Dongchi, Director of SIP Science & Technology Bureau accompanied them.

Prof. YANG Hui, Director of SINANO extended warm welcome to Ambassador Chin and his entourage for their visit to the institute, and then made brief introduction of SINANO in the exhibition hall, including the construction history, research directions, organizational structure, research facilities, program of experts and achievements in international cooperation and exchanges. Ambassador Chin showed great interests in Nanotechnology and its applications. His entourage was also impressed by the significant achievements on research progress and high-level faculty teams acquired by SINANO within these 5 years.


Director YANG introduce the development of SINANO to Ambassador Chin

Photo by SINANO
