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Prof. Andreas Offenhäusser Visited SINANO

Author:CHEN Caixia Update time:Apr 05, 2012

On March 31st, Prof. Andreas Offenh?usse from Peter Grünberg Institute (PGI-8), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, visited SINANO. Prof. Offenh?usser first delivered a talk entitled “Bio (electronic) Interfaces: from Implants to Neuroelectronic Hybrids”. Prof. LIU Peihua, Vice Director of SINANO, some other researchers and graduate students attended the lecture.

The research activities of Prof. Andreas Offenh?usser focus on the integration of biological units with electronic elements to yield functional devices to address basic fundamental scientific questions and potential practical applications of the systems. In his presentation, he introduced briefly the neuroelectronic synapse chips based on electronic devices and synpaitcally connected networks of neurons developed by his group.

After the talk, Prof. Andreas Offenh?usser also visited the Nanofabrication Facility and expressed the cooperation willing with some researchers.

 Prof. Andreas Offenh?usser @ Presentation
