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Prof. Louis Brus, Einstein Professor of CAS Visited SINANO

Author:DING Xianguang, i-LAB Update time:May 14, 2012

On May 11th, 2012, Columbia University Professor Louis. Brus, who is member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, and the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, came to visit SINANO and delivered a talk entitled "Electron Correlation in Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene". The presentation was chaired by Prof. CHEN Liwei, the deputy director of SINANO. Over 200 researchers and graduate students attended the lecture.

After the talk, Prof. YANG Hui, Director of SINANO also awarded Einstein Professorship Certificate of Chinese Academy of Sciences to Professor Louis Brus. Besides, in honor of Prof. Louis Brus, Prof. YU Shu-Hong from University of Science and Technology of China, Prof. REN Bin from Xiamen University, Prof. WANG Xun from Tsinghua University, and Prof. CHEN Liwen and WANG Qiangbing from SINANO were invited to make related presentations.

About Prof. Louis Brus

Prof. Louis Brus is the Samuel Latham Mitchill Professor of Chemistry and professor of chemical engineering at Columbia University. He is the discoverer of the colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals known as quantum dots, and their quantum confinement effect. He is the recipient of the inaugural Kavli Prize for nanoscience in 2008 (with Iijima) and the 2006 R. W. Wood prize of the Optical Society of America. He was elected to the United States National Academy of Sciences in 2004, the member of Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters in 2009, and was chosen for the 2010 NAS Award in Chemical Sciences.

 Prof. Louis Brus @ Presentation
 Prof. Louis Brus awarded Einstein Professor of CAS
