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Professor Ray H. Baughman visiting the 57th Lakefront Forum

Author:XU Geng, Division of Nano-devices and Materials Update time:May 02, 2012
In the afternoon of April 23, 2012, with an invitation of Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics (SINANO), Professor Ray H. Baughman, one of the most famous scientists in the world, the Director of NanoTech Institute of the University of Texas in Dallas made an enlightening lecture at the 57th Lakefront Forum in Suzhou Dushu Lake Library. The topic is about “Having great fun on a very small scale: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”. The Forum was co-held by Suzhou Dushu Lake Library and SINANO with Professor LI Qingwen, the director assistant of SINANO as the host.
In the lecture, Professor Baughman first gave a brief introduction of University of Texas and some research work on energy, nano materials, and so on. His speech focused on carbon nanotube fibers, sheets and their applications, especially in the great potential values on artificial muscles and thermoacoustic projectors, such as sonar projectors and underwater cloaking. Dr. Baughman also gave young scholars advices and encouragements to be a successful scientist. He said, to be as an excellent researcher, in addition to good idea, inspiration, hardworking spirits and communication skills are very important and necessary as well. Professor Ray H. Baughman’s ebullient speech impressed us a lot. After his speech, he also answered some questions.
About Ray Baughman

Ray Baughman received a B.S. in Physics from Carnegie Mellon University and a Ph.D. in the Materials Science area from Harvard University. Upon graduation he went to Allied Chemical, which later became AlliedSignal and then Honeywell. In August 2001, Ray Baughman became the Robert A. Welch Professor of Chemistry and Director of NanoTech Institute at the University of Texas in Dallas after 31 years in industry. He is a Member of The National Academy of Engineering and The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas; a Fellow of the American Physical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry; an Academician of The Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; an Honorary Professor of four universities in China; and is on editorial and advisory boards of Science, Materials Research Letters, the International Journal of Nanoscience, and the Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.


Ray has 70 US patents and over 310 refereed publications with over 18,100 citations. He has received the Chemical Pioneer Award of the American Institute of Chemists (1995), the Cooperative Research Award in Polymer Science and Engineering (1996), the New Materials Innovation Prize of the Avantex International Forum for Innovative Textiles (2005), Nano 50 Awards from Nanotech Briefs Magazine for Carbon Nanotube Sheets and Yarns (2006) and for Fuel Powered Artificial Muscles (2007), the NanoVic Prize from Australia (2006), the Scientific American Magazine 50 recognition for outstanding technological leadership (2006), the CSIRO Metal for Research Achievement (2006), the Chancellor’s Entrepreneurship and Invention Award (2007), 21 for the 21st Century award (2007), the Alumni Distinguished Achievement Award of Carnegie Mellon University (2007), the Kapitza Metal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2007), and the honorary 2010 Graffin Lectureship of the American Carbon Society. Listed 30th in the Top 100 Material Scientists of the Decade (2000-2010). In 2010, he became the Honorable Yang Shixiang Professor of Nankai University and the Honorable Tang Aoqing Professor of Jilin University.



 Prof. Ray Baughman @ the Forum

Photo by SINANO


 Attendants @ the Forum

Photo by SINANO
