News & Events

Ph.D Dongsheng Li visited SINANO

Author:YIN Song Update time:Jan 21, 2013

On January 18th, 2013, Ph.D Dongsheng Li from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, visited SINANO and delivered a talk entitled "In situ TEM investigations of mineral growth through oriented attachment of nanoparticles”. The presentation was chaired by Prof. Feng Xinjian, the principle investigator of Nanobionics Division. Many researchers and graduated students attended the lecture.

First, Ph.D Dongsheng Li present the oriented attachment (OA), which is that when coalignment is accompanied by coalescence, this growth process is often referred to. OA is now recognized as an important mechanism of crystal growth in many materials in the environment. However, the pathway by which OA occurs has not been established.

To achieve this understanding Ph.D Dongsheng Li are investigating crystal nucleation and oriented attachment in a number of systems, such as iron oxides and oxyhydroxide as well as titanium dioxide, through in situ and ex situ TEM. She performed high-resolution TEM using a fluid cell to directly observe oriented attachment of iron oxyhydroxide nanoparticles. The particles undergo continuous rotation and interaction until they find a perfect lattice match.

Ph.D Dongsheng Li@ Presentation

Attendants @ Lecture
