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Prof. Charles M. Lieber, The Outstanding Scientists on Nanotechnology, Visited SINANO

Author:ZHANG Jie Update time:Apr 25, 2013

In the afternoon of April 22, the famous top-notch nano scientists Prof. Charles M. Lieber was invited by Prof. Chen Liwei, deputy director of Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO), to visit the institute and give an excellent speech “nanoelectronics meets biology”, on the sixty-seventh Lakeside Forum. He showed the progress of the world's leading technology in the cross realm between nanoelectronics and biology. Over three hundred nanotechnology experts, academics and students attended the speech. Prof. Yang Hui, director of Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO) presided the talk and issued the appointment certification of “Special Scientific Advisory” to Prof. Charles M. Lieber.

In the talk, Prof. Lieber shared the advancement of his latest research: using the core-shell Ge / Si nanowires  to construct nanometer-scale logic NAND gate circuits, which is a step forward to the R&D of 3D-nanometer processors; building a P/PIN core-shell Si nanowire solar cell to achieve a high photoelectric conversion efficiency; introducing nanoelectronics devices to the biological field, utilizing nano-probes to measure electrical and biochemical signals inside the cell as well as the seamless integration of nanoelectronics devices and synthesis of biological tissues.

Prof. Lieber also visited Nano Science and Technology Park and got journalists interviewed at the same day. He said that the development of nanotechnology in Suzhou, and even in the whole country is remarkable in recent years. With good research platform and outstanding talents here, it is expected to achieve great nanotechnology yields no less favorable than those of other advanced countries .
